Flooring suppliers set up flooring profiles for the purpose of reaching out to homeowners and business owners in the market for new flooring. At $360.00 per year, flooring profiles provide an affordable marketing tool for retailers, installers, contractors and professionals working in a competitive sales department. Membership includes a multi-page website, plus access to software for suppliers interested in publishing their own press releases and blog articles about promotional offerings, events and shows.
Flooring professionals set up flooring profiles to advance their careers. At $360.00 per year, professional flooring profiles are an affordable marketing tool for sales representatives working in a competitive sales environment who are looking for a way to differentiate themselves apart from the sales team or anyone who can benefit from a presentation tool during a career transition or a job campaign. Membership includes a multi-page website, plus access to software for those interested in publishing their own press releases and blog articles about their work experience, marketable skills and achievements.
Customizing a professional flooring profile provides members with a creative way of illustrating their skillset and work expertise. Attract the attention of supervisors and managers in a position to promote you and reward you with advancement opportunities.